To submit a file for upload, you will click the button at the bottom of your Project Central page. This will open a Submit Document window that is connected to the project you were just viewing.
If this is the first time you have reached this page, you may be asked for additional contact information to complete missing fields in your user account. Please provide your name, address, phone number, and email address. This page is set up to allow you to easily post one or more files on the site for review. You must follow these steps:
- Select a file type from the list of types at the top
- Select a status from the second list
- Enter a short description to explain any changes or details relating to the file(s) you are submitting
If you have more than one file you wish to submit and you have not already bound them into one zip archive, you can have the submission process bind them for you. Just click the Add button until there are enough fields for each document you wish to upload. These will all be automatically bound in one zip archive at the conclusion of the process.
You can drag and drop files from your computer directly on top of the file upload field. When you are ready, click the Upload File(s) button.
A progress indicator window will appear to give you feedback on the progress of submitting all your files. Please be patient; if you have one or more large files the process could take a considerable amount of time. (It is still much quicker and more efficient than attempting to email the files; emailing a file expands the file size significantly in order to encode it within an email message.)
Once all upload process is complete, they will appear in the list of files on your Project Central page.